215 research outputs found

    Gene polymorphisms in primary biliary cirrhosis: association with the disease and hepatic osteopathy

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    Genetic factors have been implicated in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis, a common disorder in primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). Estrogen receptor-alpha gene (ER-�), vitamin-D-receptor gene (VDR) and IL-1-receptor-antagonist gene (IL-1RN) are all attractive candidates for osteoporosis susceptibility. Furthermore insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) gene microsatellite repeat polymorphism was found to be associated with osteoporosis in some studies and collagen-I�1 (COLIA1) Sp1 s allele was associated with lower bone mineral density (BMD) in one study in PBC. IGF-I treatment restored osteopenia and reduced fibrogenesis in experimental cirrhosis. In this study we summarize our results on polymorphisms of the above genes and bone disease in Hungarian PBC patients. Patients and methods: 70 female patients with PBC were enrolled (age:57.6yrs, range:37-76yrs, each AMA-M2 positive, stage II-IV). 139 age-matched female subjects served as controls (age: 55.9 yrs, range:43-72 yrs). COLIA1 Sp1 and IGF-I microsatellite polymorphisms were determined by PCR in all patients and controls. VDR BsmI, IL-1RN variable-number tandem repeat (VNTR) and ER-� PvuII and XbaI polymorphisms were detected in 33 patients and controls. BMD was measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (Lunar,Prodigy,USA) in lumbar spine (LS) and femoral neck (FN). Results: There was no difference in IGF-I microsatellite repeat polymorphism (192/192=34.2%, 194/192=28.6%, other=37.2%) and COLIA1 Sp1 polymorphism (SS=72.9%, Ss=22.8% and ss=4.3%) and IL-1 VNTR polymorphism between PBC patients and controls, however, the COLIA1 Sp1 s allele was significantly less frequent in patients with PBC (p=0.038). The genotype frequency of VDR BsmI (BB=57.5%, Bb=33.3%, bb=9.1%, p=0.01) and ER-a PvuII (PP=18.2%, Pp=75.6%, pp=6.2%, p=0.03) and XbaI (XX=9.1%, Xx=90.9%, xx=0%, p=0.0003) of the patients was different from that of the control group, with higher frequency of the BB, Pp and Xx genotypes in PBC. Osteoporosis (t score<-2.5) was detected in 22 patients (31.4%). Osteoporotic patients were elder and had longer disease history (p=0.01 for both). An association was found between the IGF-I genotypes and ODM data, the 192/192 genotype was associated with higher FN Z-score compared to other genotypes (p=0.036). Conclusions: In contrast to previous studies the COLIA1 Sp1 s allele was less frequent in patients with PBC, and its presence was not associated with BMD. We confirmed previous findings on higher frequency of VDR BsmI BB genotype in patients with PBC. The ER-α PvuII and XbaI Pp and Xx genotypes were more frequent in PBC patients, while IL-1RN VNTR and IGF-I microsatellite repeat polymorphism was not different. Since IGF-I polymorphism was associated to BMD, it may be hypothesized that not COLIA1 but IGF-I together with other genetic and environmental factors may be involved in the complex regulation of BMD in PBC

    Sztána élőhelyeinek felmérése

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    Magasabb gerjesztések figyelembevétele molekulák és gyökök kvantumkémiai leírása során: módszerfejlesztés és alkalmazás = The role of higher excitations in the quantum chemical description of molecules and radicals: method development and applications

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    A projekt keretében egyrészt kvantumkémiai módszereket fejlesztettük, másrészt felhasználtuk ezeket kémiailag érdekes rendszerek jellemzésére. Módszereket dolgoztunk ki és teszteltünk magasabb gerjesztések közelítő figyelembevételére a Coupled-Cluster elmélet keretében; továbbfejlesztettük multireferencia módszereinket (mint pl. MR-AQCC), eljárásokat dolgoztunk ki a Born-Oppenheimer közelítésen túlmutató korrekciók és csatolások számítására. Vizsgáltuk szubsztituált benzol kationokban fellépő vibronikus kölcsönhatásokat, a citozin molekula gerjesztett állapotait, valamint kis molekulák és gyökök nagyon pontos képződéshőit határoztuk meg (ún. HEAT eljárás). | During the founding period we have developed quantum chemical methods and applied them to chemically interesting problems. New methods have been developed and tested for the approximate treatment of higher excitations in Coupled-Cluster theory; we have improved our multireference methods (like the MR-AQCC method); worked out new techniques to calculate corrections to the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. We have studied the vibronic effects in substituted benzene radical cations, excited states of cytosine, and obtained very accurate heat of formations for small molecules and radicals (HEAT method)

    Harmadkori vulkáni horizontok korrelálása paleomágneses mérésekkel É-Magyarországon = Correlation of volcanic horizons in northern Hungary using paleomagnetism

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    A címben szereplő vulkáni szintek kronosztratigráfiai besorolására (és korrelációjára) a 18.5-17.5 m. év között lezajlott mintegy 50°-os, illetve a 16-14.5 m. év között végbement mintegy 30°-os nyugati irányú, korábban megállapított paleomágneses rotációkat, valamint a vizsgált képződmények paleomágneses polaritását alkalmaztuk. Fő eredményeink a következők. Hozzájárultunk a Visegrádi-hg. vulkáni képződményeinek rétegtani besorolásához és korrelációjához a Börzsöny-hg. hasonló kőzeteivel. A hegység rétegsora egy 30°-kal nyugati irányban elfordult piroklasztikummal kezdődik, és kb. 10°-os keleti deklinációjú képződményekkel zárul. Az Ipolytarnócon és környékén vizsgált piroklasztikumok kb. 30°-os nyugati rotációt mutatnak, koruk így 17.5-17 m. év, tehát nem tartozhatnak az idősebb Gyulakeszi Riolittufa Formációhoz. Elvégeztük a Bükk-hg. mezozoikumára települt, illetve a hegység előtereiben korábban paleomágnesesen nem vizsgált, esetenként vitatott korú piroklasztikumok beillesztését a fenti keretbe. Az új eredmények részben a régi, részben az újabb földtani alapú korbesorolást igazolják. Végül a Tokaji-hg. vulkáni kőzeteinek keletkezési sorrendjével és korbesorolásával foglalkoztunk, a paleomágneses adatok, K/Ar korok és a vulkanológiai-kőzettani megfigyelések integrálásával. | For the chronostratigraphic assignment (and correlation) of the volcanic horizons referred to in the title of the project we employed the palaeomagnetic rotations deduced earlier, (i. e. 50° between 18.5 and 17.5 my, 30° between 16 and 14.5 my, both counterclockwise), as well as the palaeomagnetic polarities of the rocks studied. The main results achieved are as follows. We contributed to the stratigraphic assignment of the volcanic rocks of the Visegrád Mts and to their correlation with those of the Börzsöny Mts. The stratigraphic colunn in the former starts with a pyroclastics rotated by 30° counterclockwise and ends with rocks rotated by 10° clockwise. The pyroclastics studied at and around Ipolytarnóc exhibit an approximately 30° rotation to the west, so their age may be estimated to 17.5-17 my which means that they cannot be assigned to the older Gyulakeszi Rhyolite Tuff Formation. We incorporated certain pyroclastics occasionally of controversial age occurring on top of the Mesozoic of the Bükk Mts and in their forelands which have not been studied palaeomagnetically into the above frame. The new results confirm partly the new partly the old age assignments made on geological grounds. Finally, we were engaged in integrating the palaeomagnetic data, potassium/argon ages and volcanological-petrological observations for determining the age and order of emplacement of the volcanic rocks of the Tokaji Mts

    Autonomic and sensory nerve dysfunction in primary biliary cirrhosis

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    AIM: Cardiovascular autonomic and peripheral sensory neuropathy is a known complication of chronic alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver diseases. We aimed to assess the prevalence and risk factors for peripheral sensory nerve and autonomic dysfunction using sensitive methods in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). METHODS: Twenty-four AMA M2 positive female patients with clinical, biochemical and histological evidence of PBC and 20 age matched healthy female subjects were studied. Five standard cardiovascular reflex tests and 24-h heart rate variability (HRV) analysis were performed to define autonomic function. Peripheral sensory nerve function on median and peroneal nerves was characterized by current perception threshold (CPT), measured by a neuroselective diagnostic stimulator (Neurotron, Baltimore, MD). RESULTS: Fourteen of 24 patients (58%) had at least one abnormal cardiovascular reflex test and thirteen (54%) had peripheral sensory neuropathy. Lower heart rate response to deep breathing (P = 0.001), standing (P = 0.03) and Valsalva manoeuvre (P = 0.01), and more profound decrease of blood pressure after standing (P = 0.03) was found in PBC patients than in controls. As a novel finding we proved that both time domain and frequency domain parameters of 24-h HRV were significantly reduced in PBC patients compared to controls. Each patient had at least one abnormal parameter of HRV. Lower CPT values indicated hyperaesthesia as a characteristic feature at peroneal nerve testing at three frequencies (2000 Hz: P = 0.005; 250 Hz: P = 0.002; 5 Hz: P = 0.004) in PBC compared to controls. Correlation of autonomic dysfunction with the severity and duration of the disease was observed. Lower total power of HRV correlated with lower CPT values at median nerve testing at 250 Hz (P = 0.0001) and at 5 Hz (P = 0.002), as well as with those at peroneal nerve testing at 2000 Hz (P = 0.01). CONCLUSION: Autonomic and sensory nerve dysfunctions are frequent in PBC. Twenty-four-hour HRV analysis is more sensitive than standard cardiovascular tests for detecting of both parasympathetic and sympathetic impairments. Our novel data suggest that hyperaesthesia is a characteristic feature of peripheral sensory neuropathy and might contribute to itching in PBC. Autonomic dysfunction is related to the duration and severity of PBC

    Nonlinear analysis of Type 1 Diabetes Models by Differential Geometric Approach

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    The control of physiological systems is a highly demanding task. The requirements are strict and there is a little margin of error, since failure can directly endanger the patient's life. In the same time the performance of the available sensors and actuators are limited in most cases, leaving even higher burden on the control algorithm. Finally the models themselves, which can describe the biophysical and biochemical processes that are most significantly linked to the system we wish to regulate, are rather complex and nonlinear in nature. In general, linear model-based approaches are used, but linearization gives a first source of errors in the further development. The aim of this paper is to investigate two frequently used models describing the metabolism of the human body in case of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) from nonlinear control perspective: the model presented by Magni et al. (2009) and Hovorka et al. (2004). These models will be investigated using differential geometric approach for the first time

    Őshonos tyúkfajták tartásának lehetőségei és korlátai a Közép-magyarországi Régióban

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    A BCE, Kertészettudományi Kar, Kísérleti Üzem és Tangazdaságában, az Ökológiai és Fenntartható Gazdálkodási Rendszerek Tanszékének 17 hektáros minősített öko-területén több éves vizsgálat folyt, amelyben őshonos baromfi fajták vándor-ólas tartásának lehetőségét vizsgáltuk. Célunk olyan, az ökológiai tartás feltételeit is kielégítő tartási rendszer értékelése volt, amely kisgazdasági körülmények között is alkalmas akár termék előállításra, akár önellátásra